There are many materials of packaging on the market today, and a variety of packaging solutions can easily be found online nowadays. All Strap provides a simple outlet for several different types of freight materials such as strapping, shrink film, edge protectors, tensioners, buckles, strap dispensers and more, as well as information outlining products to suit your company’s every day packaging and shipping needs. Following are just a few examples of materials of packaging that All Strap has to offer to help you make an informed decision on packaging for your freight.
Packaging tape, for all of the boxed goods and light binding needs, edge protectors to protect corners of more delicate shipments which strapping would otherwise damage, protective shrink film also known as stretch film for extra binding, strapping in steel, stainless, polyester, nylon, woven cord, and other specialty materials, tools for tensioning, buckles, seals, and strap dispensers, are just a few items All Strap has to offer. In order to build a proper pallet, one will need the know how to use the right materials for binding, strapping and stacking goods so that they are protected from shifting, moving or getting damaged during shipping. When the right materials of packaging are used for the goods at hand, shipped merchandise ends up at the destination in-tact and ready to use or sell.
If your company specializes in manufacture of materials, ships raw materials, needs any type of packaging at all, remember to look to All Strap, because many materials, from nylon strapping, steel strapping, packing tape, cord, buckles, bale ties, tensioners, stretch film, and more can all be found in one spot online when you look to All Strap. So, when your company needs materials for packaging, and you want to save time obtaining the right materials, All Strap is there for you.