A335- Steel strapping Combination tool Repair
Allstrap is a dealer of strapping tools belonging to several popular brands and they also undertake strapping tool repair for A335 tool and other Fromm tools. Any tool which is put to constant use, can wear off and stop working. It is important to take care of tools and maintain them regularly. The tools have to be oiled and cleaned daily so that it can be used to work in a smooth manner. Tool manuals also recommend the maintenance of tools regularly to keep them in working condition always.
Given below are a few parts of the A335 wear parts:
A33.1137 DIE HALF
A33.1138 DIE HALF
A33.2121 PUNCH
A33.2177 GRIPPER
When tools get damaged it is better to give the tool to a well known tool repair facility or at the place the tool was bought. Allstrap has a strapping tool repair department with manufacturer trained technicians who are available to diagnose the extent of repairs.
Tool repairs are undertaken at a nominal cost and returned within a week. The technicians repair the tool and replace wearing parts if necessary. According to Allstrap, the A335 is a good tool, but the parts are a little more expensive than other Fromm tools. Visit Allstrap website for more strapping tool repair information.